
Fresh Beginning

Dear Family and Friends, 

As I begin a new chapter in my life, I can’t help but think about timing. It seems as though spring brings about new hope, new beginnings, and a fresh start towards my calling in Social Justice. That being said, my purpose in life seems clouded by the suffering of so many women and children. I see injustice all around me and often wake up to the reality of homelessness in my community, hunger amongst friends, the loneliness in pews, and an anticipation of a new tomorrow.

In forty-eight hours I’ve seen my focus shift from welcoming my brother and his beautiful family back to Portland to envisioning my grandfather’s love blossom in the presence of his great-grandchildren. Often, I dream of bringing such joy to my family by adding little ones of my own to the mix. Yet I had to stop myself from dreaming as soon as I opened my peripheral lens. My realities exist somewhere between my faith and family in the Pacific Northwest, my current situation battling PTSD, and the heart wrenching news I see unfold on the BBC in Ukraine.

I don’t know what direction my blog will take me in but right now my heart rest with Poland and how they will handle the influx of refugees. I saw an article today that you can find here that brought me great joy: At St. Mary’s Ukrainian Catholic Church in North Port Fla. food is bringing people together. It made me think of someone whom I care for very much and his family recipe. Continue reading “Fresh Beginning”